4ms Tremulus Lune pcb size

Started by Fndr8875, October 01, 2016, 07:33:49 PM

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Hi, i want to build a tremulous lune. built the tonepad EA tremolo, its ok but doesnt do what id like it to do, same with the heart throb trem, they both are nice tremolos, but i really would like one tremolo that does it all, or close, anyway from what ive read the tonepad TL seems that people have issues with it that are fixed with various adds on such as tack soldering a trim pot, changing pot values, etc. Id just like to be able to etch the 4ms/commonsound pcb and go...prob is i easily find the pcb layout online, but its hugh, does anyone know the actual size of it, ill take inches/cm/mm any help would be greatly appreciated.

Oh i know this is not new info, but i bought one of those scotch laminators from walmart, was like 17 bucks, and was skeptical bc i read ppl not having great results, plus the fact of using radioshack double sided pcbs which are pretty thick, but damn i can make a perfectly ectched pcb , depending up[on how new my Ferric chloride is, in less than 20 min, i heat the FC up , about 20 seconds in microwave, then just put in tupperware with lid, and just shake it back and forth for 5 min and it comes out perfect. If anyone wants to see some pics ill post them.

In mean time if anyone has actual size of 4ms Trem Lune that would be awesome!



> Hi, i .....appreciated.
> Oh i know ...ill post them.
> actual size of 4ms Trem Lune

Those are 8-pin DIP chip packages? The space between pins is 0.1 inches (2.54mm). Print it, measure it, figure the ratio of what printed to 0.1", scale it that much, re-re-check on paper before going to PCB.


ok ill see if i can get it scaled properly. Ill post the correct scale if i can get it right.


I built my Tremulus Lune on stripboard, tagboard layout, that one with spacing trimmer which I replace with a pot. So my Tremulus Lune have Speed, Depth, Smooth, Symmetry and Spacing. The board is not big, but I put it into a BB enclosure because the 5 pots.
«There is something even higher than the justice which you have been filled with. There is a human impulse known as mercy, a human act known as forgiveness.»
Elijah Baley in Isaac Asimov's The Cave Of Steel