B1M Dual Gang Pot search

Started by jwyles90, February 06, 2022, 08:42:56 PM

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Hey all!

I'm in the process of getting together parts for a Benson Preamp clone that I found on PedalPCB. I've got pretty much everything together except for the bass pot. According to the build docs, I need a B1M Dual Ganged pot, but I'm finding it nearly impossible to locate any. So far I've only found a match on Tayda, but they're out of stock until July 31st at the earliest. Anyone out there have any luck finding some elsewhere?

Here are the build docs that I'm referring to, in case anyone wants to take a look: https://www.pedalpcb.com/docs/SOBPreamp-PedalPCB.pdf


Quote from: jwyles90 on February 06, 2022, 08:42:56 PM
Hey all!

I'm in the process of getting together parts for a Benson Preamp clone that I found on PedalPCB. I've got pretty much everything together except for the bass pot. According to the build docs, I need a B1M Dual Ganged pot, but I'm finding it nearly impossible to locate any. So far I've only found a match on Tayda, but they're out of stock until July 31st at the earliest. Anyone out there have any luck finding some elsewhere?

Here are the build docs that I'm referring to, in case anyone wants to take a look: https://www.pedalpcb.com/docs/SOBPreamp-PedalPCB.pdf

Well, it says you need B2M mono, but in case you can't buy that one, you can buy B1M stereo here, for example: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32887881883.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.67a744e9fqdmot
60 pedals and counting!

Ben N

If I had that choice, I'd def get the Alpha pot from Tayda for the princely sum of $0.50 rather than the very dodgy looking ???? pot from Aliexpress for $1.33/5.


Quote from: GGBB on February 06, 2022, 10:01:35 PM
Docs say you can also use a single-gang B2M: https://www.taydaelectronics.com/potentiometer-variable-resistors/rotary-potentiometer/linear/2m-ohm-linear-taper-potentiometer-solder-lugs-round-15r1.html.

Oh nice! Don't know how I missed finding any of these, but that's super helpful. So for soldering a bridge between the two pads can I just used a bit of extra resistor clippings to do that? Sorry if that's a super beginner question, I've never done that before so I want to make sure I'm doing it correctly.

Ben N

Quote from: jwyles90 on February 07, 2022, 09:07:32 AM
Quote from: GGBB on February 06, 2022, 10:01:35 PM
Docs say you can also use a single-gang B2M: https://www.taydaelectronics.com/potentiometer-variable-resistors/rotary-potentiometer/linear/2m-ohm-linear-taper-potentiometer-solder-lugs-round-15r1.html.

Oh nice! Don't know how I missed finding any of these, but that's super helpful. So for soldering a bridge between the two pads can I just used a bit of extra resistor clippings to do that? Sorry if that's a super beginner question, I've never done that before so I want to make sure I'm doing it correctly.


Awesome, thanks for all your help!