Help Debugging Faulty Component/Stripboard on Tillman Pre-Amp

Started by lukemtesta, June 16, 2017, 07:46:16 AM

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I think i finally understand what you meant about DC at the jack input to get it to work (good ol' neil storey giving serious flashbacks of first year analogue electronics) - I wasn't using a pot divider, so the 'pull-up' was going straight into the pick-ups (inductor), and to ground. Now if I remember correctly, XL = wL, so f = 0 => XL = 0, and f = oo => XL = oo. If XL = 0 we essentially get a short, so Vs was shorted to ground via the guitar jack. The DC cap would then be needed as (a) A form of isolating the short at DC and (b) de-biasing the signal coming from the guitar. The synth was working because presumable the PWM port was not made as stupidly as the entrance on my circuit xD

Thanks for the help, you have no idea how much I've learned (about driving MOSFETs, their properties and debugging), and how much you've helped dragging ancient knowledge back from the depths of the deep brain (too long in the software world man).

Looks like making pedals is a worth-while hobby for me after all ;)