Utter Stutter - stutter pedal with recordable patterns and variable tempo

Started by ElectricDruid, September 24, 2017, 04:51:14 PM

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You could name it after Porky Pig (although I'm sure how widely distributed Loony Tunes cartoons were....).

I just learned this little tidbit from Wikipedia, which made me laugh:
A very short black-and-white cartoon was made in 1938 as part of a Warner Bros. blooper reel.  It was shown on the Warner Bros. 50th Anniversary TV show. Porky is shown doing some carpentry work, pounding nails, when he smacks his thumb with the hammer. Grimacing in pain, he cries, "Oh, son of a bi-bi-, son of a bi-bi-, son of a bi-bi-bi-... gun!" He then turns to the camera and says "Ha-ha-ha! You thought I was gonna say 's-s-son of a bitch', didn't ya?"
Technical difficulties.  Please stand by.


"Did I say that?"
"I'm not playing cards."
all tariffs now subject to a disrespect surcharge of 32%.


Chopping Block?

Stutter Cutter?

Stammer Hammer?

Director's Cut?
Technical difficulties.  Please stand by.


Lol. All excellent. I'm going to have to invent several variations of this pedal just so I can use all these names! :)



I am really surprised no one has suggested The most obvious name for this.


Kirk Hammet invented the Burst Box.



[changed my mind.]
"Did I say that?"
"I'm not playing cards."
all tariffs now subject to a disrespect surcharge of 32%.


Here's a sound sample of the thing as it stands currently:


This is the default 'boomchik' pattern that it boots up with. Chords are from an old Roland general midi box.
I think it gives a reasonable idea of what it can do.

I added another feature today too - you can do a long press on the effect in/out button and it only does the stutter while you're pressing it down, instead of toggling the effect. This lets you do Buckethead-style stuttering effects without having to have fingers as fast as Buckethead - just pre-program your stutter pattern at a nice slow tempo, speed it up to Bucketheadesque vertiginous velocity, and then press and bang!



I like the sound you've got there, very 90s euro techno :) I was about to wave my hands in the air like I just don't care, but the track ended before I could stagger out of my chair.

This would be great with a flanger going into it (but then again, I think that about most sounds, so I'm probably biased) and then some reverb. Very cool indeed.
Mushrooms in Shampoo -  Amidst the Ox Eyes - our new album!



Chop til You Drop, or, Home Chopping Network.

Great project! I've been messing with the Boss Slicer thing and it's very cool, but I wished I could program the sequences. One thing that is handy is the attack knob, that has the option to soften/slew the rise and fall times.

I like how simple your interface is. I was imagining a whole step sequencer, with parameters for every step, but this is more immediate to program.


That's pretty neat.
I agree with the comments regarding making the record switch latching - or at least tweaking so you can do one-foot operation. I certainly couldn't drive this without falling off the stage.

Which PIC are you using and I'm guessing you are simply toggling pin 3 high/low to drive the FET?
In any case, you could probably free up the record LED pin by e.g. making the bypass LED flash when in record mode if you need another control pin.
I'm a refugee of the great dropbox purge of '17.
Project details (schematics, layouts, etc) are slowly being added here: http://samdump.wordpress.com


Quote from: samhay on October 02, 2017, 04:54:14 PM
That's pretty neat.


I agree with the comments regarding making the record switch latching - or at least tweaking so you can do one-foot operation. I certainly couldn't drive this without falling off the stage.

It's easy enough to change, since that's just a software tweak. I'll give it a try.

Which PIC are you using and I'm guessing you are simply toggling pin 3 high/low to drive the FET?
In any case, you could probably free up the record LED pin by e.g. making the bypass LED flash when in record mode if you need another control pin.

I'm using the 12F1501, one of the more recent "enhanced" PICs. I really like those chips. They pack in a ton of features. I used the same one for Flangelicious. And yes, it just toggles the pin to drive the FET.

Incidentally, I realised that this thing is actually a one-bit sampler with a variable sample rate. You can record a sample in all its one-bit glory, and then "pitch shift" it up or down. Sample rates vary between 256Hz and 2048Hz. Do you suppose there's a Guinness Record for "World's lowest-fi sampler"? ;)

I've done a basic board layout for this and got a few from Seeed Studios. I'll build a few up and play with it and see if any further tweaks seem like a good idea. In many ways, I'm inclined to just say "it is what it is" with this and leave it pretty basic. But adding depth control or attack/decay control wouldn't be too difficult either, so perhaps I should plan for the inevitable modding!
