I've Make a Tremolo pedal and dosen't work

Started by kennith0114, March 26, 2018, 08:59:29 PM

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Hello,i come from hong kog so please forgive my english is not so good, i've make a tremolo pedal like topic said,it perfectly work on my perf board but now it dosen't work, it have sound and the boost is work fine but no signal go to tremolo part and i have no idea what happen,is that the transistor after the depth pot problem? thank for help

Marcos - Munky

Please resize the images, they are too big.


Two things jump out straight away:

1) You need to redraw your schematic so you know what's going on. So much stuff crossed out or altered is bound to lead to problems
2) You need to re-do most of the soldering. It looks like it's been chipped away at with a chisel. Is your iron not hot enough?

Once you've got a clean circuit diagram, you can cross-check what you *think* you've got with what you've *actually* got, and you might find the problem.



one thing that strikes me is the pot w/ green and black wires in the top left corner of one yer pics - it has nothing connected to the wiper lug, from what i can see. also, don't solder wires into the pot lug-rivet holes, it can/will cause trouble/s. solder to the pin or the solder lug.

the rest of the stuff is just too big to see all in one sitting.
Katy who? what footie?