OT: I just watched the new LedZep DVD...

Started by Thomas P., November 08, 2003, 01:37:12 PM

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Thomas P.

Guy's I was nearly crying! I never saw such great live stuff from LedZep!
On DVD1 is a concert at the Royal Albert Hall mainly shot with some 16mm camera - what a great feel!
As bonus there's a promo shot of communication breakdown which is some kind of a laugh since it's playback and the guy's makeing some fun about it.
You'll also see Jimmy playing the phsycedelic painted Tele and the old MKII.

Great material - great band
god said...
∇ ⋅ D = ρ
∇ x E = - ∂B/∂t
∇ ⋅ B = 0
∇ x H = ∂D/∂t + j
...and then there was light



Yeah, they were great, unbelievable. Bands today don't have the magic vibe anymore. And that stamina, Zep used to play very long shosw.
onesy once put it in one sentence: "we were loud, confident and ... wrong!"



Great DVD! I highly recommend it to those who loved the band and their creative juice. You'll get the idea of the bands dedication overall when you see the sweat pouring off Page's face much of the time.

Greg Moss

Are these the same sets as the "how the west was won" CD's?  That live recording really was convincing evidence as to what an incredable band LZ was.  I thought it was funny thiough, how evident Jimmy page's enthousiasm was: any of the songs he started were about %30faster than when Bonham finally came in and reined in the tempo.  The performances were still much faster than the studio cuts (often to the songs' benefit).

Thomas P.

I think the CD "How the west was won" contains material from the LA Dome and the LA Stadium(?) from '72.
The DVD contains a gig at the Royal Albert Hall from '70 and some TV shows which are dated a some earlier.
It's got Madison Square Garden from '73, Earls Court from '75 and Knebworth from '79.
god said...
∇ ⋅ D = ρ
∇ x E = - ∂B/∂t
∇ ⋅ B = 0
∇ x H = ∂D/∂t + j
...and then there was light


Page and Harrison are tops in my book for retaining mystery.
 Turning out as dark ducks in their respective bands [all opinion here, don't be upset], producing some of the best guitar ever recorded, then just kind disappearing [ for the most part] instead of selling beer 'n Taco's like other countless 'sellouts'.
 Voodoo Chile selling Tacoma's really irked me.
 Clapton selling Michelob [the night BOLONGS to M...] made me wanna purge.
 LZ ... IS the greatest band there ever was or will ever be [kinda hoping I'm about to be proved wrong on this but..]. I think the chemisrty of that time was crucial to the [everything].
 D/A recording pales when compared to 2'' tape and tube signal paths [IMO], much of the superior [IMO again] tube recording technology is getting scarce-er. The old Zeppelin plastic waffles [LP's] sounded BEST, Stones and Beates recordings/albums had 'that' sound too.
 I'm fiinding it's no easy trick to record beautifully distorted guitar...and have it sound 'kool', even if it does not sound much 'like' the original.
 I'M interested to see this video of my heroes in action. How much is it?
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


I got mine when it first came out for about $24.99, I think retail is $29.99 or whatever.  It is amazing and I'd recommend it to anyone that can afford it.  Many of these songs I didn't even realize I liked until I heard them live.