good download!

Started by donald stringer, November 10, 2003, 12:08:14 AM

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donald stringer is something I found earlier, it is a downloadable software, and the e-book has pinouts of all [i think] 4ooo series and 74xxx and some critical data. It even has a place to record your own info. on any particular. This would really take care of a lot of questions and if everyone has it then anyone could ref. chip info. at there fingertips and pass it on to the list. The download takes about a half hour. And right now I am asking myself this question, was it one of those  trial offer type of things[ but I dont think so.Anyway it was a great find :lol:  :lol:  All I have to do now is record chip info. from my papers to the comp. I just love free stuff :lol:


For 5 band resistors, cap code calculators this site is pretty useful too.