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3M Dual Lok

Started by petemoore, November 09, 2003, 05:49:39 PM

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This stuff works great. I'm sure some of you have tried it, first time for everything...
 For those of you who havent, like me till a minute ago, it's like velcro, but there's only one side instead of two.
 The downside is it doesn't fasten as tight as velcro, but I think I'm doing pretty good with three 1''patches per RACO. Also it is probably more dependant on having two flat, unobstructed surfaces to adhere to.  
 The upside is that it doesn't clog up and get all nasty and hairy like the 'sticker' side of the velcro does. Velcro grabs fibers and becomes totally inneffective. And the [I'm sure it's patented] 3M sticky back makes it real easy to apply. I got it at RS.
 Using all RACO's I just adhere the first pads on the [well these went on top of a 19'' single space rack case with EZ Vibe in it] surface, expose the adhesive side of the pads for the box and lay them carefully over the
placed pads, then align the pedal over where I want it and press it to the adhesive lightly, this places them and the box picks them up, then I just press them on real good, without crushing the Lok loops. I just used a checker board layout technique using a fresh unopened pad as the spacing 'template'. The RACO's bottom plate mounting screws protrusion interferes with this technique, but I'm hanging the front edge over the rack mount case, the back pad I shimmed by glueing a 1/4'' 'hardboard' patch to jack up the pads surface.
 Having inputs on the left and outputs on the right, and linear left to right for all the pedals, the ability to plug/unplug with one hand, and switch pedals around is going to be a good thing I thing, and it'll be easier to sort out what's what.
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