Re-introduction of the MN3207 and MN3102 BBD Chips

Started by bwanasonic, November 09, 2003, 04:05:36 AM

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Quote from: puretube...think smallbear got them (cheaper?):

To me the point of the news is that someone has taken the effort to re-manufacture *obsolete* chips and make them available in quantity. It shows a pretty high level of commitment to analog effects. Maybe this will lead to some other hard to find chips being produced again?

Kerry M


ahh,.... don`t think it`s commitment like you seem to see it.....

hard business!


Yeah, I saw that a while ago... I just wish they were doing it with MN3205's not 3207's.. or perhaps making a new chip with 8096 stages or something.


Re the 3207 (1K) and the 3102, the reason they are now reasonably priced is that a Chinese firm, Shanghai Belling, has a fab line for BBDs and still makes pin-for-pin clones of them. I dropped the price of the NOS chips as soon as it became clear that they would no longer be scarce. Similarly, Belling offers the BL3208 (2K), which is a clone of the MN3208.

These chips don't have the headroom of the 15-volt parts, but they are still workable for effects; see Scott Swartz's AD-80 design at GGG. Unfortunately, Belling does not make any 4K parts, so those will remain expensive. Good news, though: I have secured long-term supply of the MN3007! These are NOS chips, and I am able to test them before shipping in a cosmetically-imperfect Small Clone that I bought for the purpose. I am working on getting a similar large lot of MN3005. Can't make them cheap, but I can keep them available for repairs of old favorites.
