OT: post pics of your pedalboard!

Started by smoguzbenjamin, November 09, 2003, 02:02:15 PM

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I was just wondering what everyone's pedalboard looks like. I'll be building one soon, so I wanna get some good ideas....  :D
I don't like Holland. Nobody has the transistors I want.


:)  really, it's not that bad anymore...



man, how can you play on that? I'd go nuts!

BTW I see you got a Boss PH-3 phaser there. Is that any good? I traded my PH-2 for a boss flanger, the PH-2 was too thick...
I don't like Holland. Nobody has the transistors I want.

Chris R

I've been thinking about picking up one of those Line 6 Delay units... how do you like it ?



on my board (will try and get photos of the whole setup soon)
doubtful sound 'baal' (total sonic annihilation with mods)
doubtful sound 'bette' (rangemaster with switchable boost frequency)
doubtful sound 'keith' (mosrite fuzz-rite)
doubtful sound 'boris' (big muff pi with treble boost and selectable clipping diodes)
doubtful sound 'paddy' (ea trem)
morley bass switchless wah (five selectable frequency ranges mod by me)
to come...
doubtful sound 'robin' (eti 447 phaser)
doubtful sound 'colin' (dr quack with lots of mods)
doubtful sound 'james' (fuzz face)
doubtful sound 'jacob' (pt2399 delay with wet fx loop and LFO driving delay time to make a chorus/flanger)

some pics here:
i sold my last 'james' to a customer, hence no fuzz face at the moment.  jacob is so named cos there's a band from new zealand called jakob (i really like them) who use a lot of delay.  i just gutted colin for parts for something for a friend, waiting for some stuff from steve daniels.
the rest are named after some tenuous connection with their function... baal should be obvious, bette mid-ler, keith playin 'satisfaction', boris the ruski, bootsy colin-s, paddy is named after a place some friends and i went on holiday called 'paddy's knob' (it has one knob), robin playin bridge of sighs, and james should be obvious.  jimi was too obvious.

the eti phaser has been in my 'nearly working' bin for about eight years!!!  i only just picked it up a few days ago.  it whistles like buggery and i've only had to repair about half the tracks - man i couldn't etch a board for crap when i was 16!  i'm almost certain that the problem is a broken track.  it's tempting to throw the whole thing and build an easyvibe or neovibe, but hell, it's been sitting there for eight years and i'm not giving up  :P
the morley is intended to eventually just be a CV generator for colin, but atm does function as a wah... but i only plug it into the chain for songs where i use it, cos it's not true bypass.  :P

Paul Marossy

Made mine from a cut down bass guitar case. It really has been working out very well. I added one pedal and changed out a couple recently. Also, the power supply got moved to the opposite corner due to hum problems.

http://home.att.net/~u2p0j0m4/PedalBoard03.jpg" width=450 height=340>

http://home.att.net/~paulnkim/00_00072.jpg" width=450 height=340>

Sorry for the kinda fuzzy pics.


Colin -

Is that the Boss Super Shifter pitch shifter there?  And is the The EV-5 the expression pedal for it?  Do you know what's in there?  Is it just a potentiometer?  I've got an old wah rocker shell, I was thinking I could just build an expression pedal for my Super Shifter.
sent from my orbital space station.