My Whisker Biscuit Mods

Started by blooze_man, December 09, 2011, 12:07:18 AM

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First off, IMO the Whisker Biscuit doesn't seem to get the credit it deserves when the subject of good fuzz comes up so if you haven't built it, here's the schem:

Below is the schematic of the WB with my mods. I started by taking out the tonestack and recovery stage and putting in an input cap blend (i've been using them alot lately). When SW1 is in the "off" position the 2.2m resistor is in effect resulting in a cool not-exactly-clean sound. When it is switched to either the 1N914 or LED, the resistor is effectively bypassed and you have two kinds of fuzz which all sound cool when you play with the cap blend knob.

When I'm bored of building new fuzzes I go back and mod old ones which usually doesn't end up in something I think is cool, but I thought this was, so I thought I'd share
Big Muff, Trotsky Drive, Little Angel, Valvecaster, Whisker Biscuit, Smash Drive, Green Ringer, Fuzz Face, Rangemaster, LPB1, Bazz Fuss/Buzz Box, Radioshack Fuzz, Blue Box, Fuzzrite, Tonepad Wah, EH Pulsar, NPN Tonebender, Torn's Peaker...

Mark Hammer

Working my way through stuffed-but-untested boards, and wired up a Whisker Biscuit today.  Decent fuzz.

I found the gain was much too high for my tastes so I replaced the 470k collector-base resistor with 390k and the 100R emitter resistor with 220R to drop the stage-1 gain.  That made it a little tamer without robbing it of the sizzle.  I may even drop that gain a little more.

The tonestack is a little different from many BMP issues.  I used an 18nf bass bleed cap, with a toggle to stick a second 18nf in parallel, for two different bass rolloffs.  Because the high and lowpass filters in the tone section have shallow 6db/oct slopes, changing the rolloff in either section tends to still result in audible differences, even when the tone control is rotated fully in either direction.

If I get any other ideas, I'll post them here.  I may also give the mods  posted by blooze man a try.  But all in all, a simple circuit that delivers.  Its only flaw is that gain is so high it needs good shielding.