Question on GGG Small Stone Issue J Project

Started by Kevin Mitchell, March 14, 2019, 11:26:26 AM

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Kevin Mitchell

I was looking for a simple(ish) circuit to test out some OTAs. Also, I've never tried the Small Stone so I'm excited to see how it suites my pedal board. I haven't seen any build reports on this but I've noticed the GGG project calls for a 100nF capacitor for C6 while every photo of the original I've seen has a 6.8nF in it's place. The build notes do not mention this change. Possibly a typo in R.G.'s schematic drawing that was overlooked?
Link to project files here

Perhaps some of you fine folks experienced with this circuit could chime in and verify my concern. No big deal obviously. Just archiving discrepancies. Thanks!