Mutron 3 output (naughty fish madbean )

Started by baloubass, June 24, 2019, 04:14:02 PM

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Hello, i'm  looking to get more output volume on the naughty  fish project. At the schematic i see R11 are for 560r, if down this value around 150r, does it make other change except  the volume output.
When i use the naughty fish with bass 1M pot on the gain and use it around 10H00 to have less high frequency reponse on the wah effect (To maintain the low) the output volume are to low.
When i go with 500K gain pot, i can't dial with the low frequency i'm looking in the sound with a bass. With guitar and other it's perfect because i go around 12H00 or more and the volume are correct because the gain are higher.
Thank for reply.
Schematic :


Technically speaking it lowers the minimum output impedance of the effect - but that shouldn't by itself be any problem. However, in this particular case, that change would likely be imperceptible - it increases volume by about .4%, which is even smaller than it sounds since volume is logarithmic.

I wish I could suggest an alternative way to increase the output level (other than by adding a boost circuit at the end) but it's not so simple with this circuit - at least that I can see.


You could try increasing R3 perhaps. That would boost the level through the whole circuit. Obviously that might have other effects beyond just making the output louder (it'll drive the filter harder, and it'll also drive the envelope generator harder). But if they're not struggling currently, that might be enough to do it.

Changing R11 isn't going to make significant difference anyway. 560R against a 100K is a minimal change.

However, since there are TL072 stages in the filter core, you should be able to push up to about 7Vpp through it before it clips, and that's *seriously loud* in guitar terms. So there should be room for more signal.


Hey, thank guys for the reply. I make a test last night and put a 220r in parallel of the r11 560r, the Req about 157r.
It's product that's i expect. In fact i don't really search real boost but just a matching level (or a little more) bettween bypass and effect On. Now working good and for live situation i can maintain the same matching level bettween dry signal and when i switch On.

Quote from: ElectricDruid on June 24, 2019, 08:52:46 PM
However, since there are TL072 stages in the filter core, you should be able to push up to about 7Vpp through it before it clips, and that's *seriously loud* in guitar terms. So there should be room for more signal.
Can you explain more please, i don't understand, probably my bad english level :D


Quote from: baloubass on June 25, 2019, 03:25:52 AM
Quote from: ElectricDruid on June 24, 2019, 08:52:46 PM
However, since there are TL072 stages in the filter core, you should be able to push up to about 7Vpp through it before it clips, and that's *seriously loud* in guitar terms. So there should be room for more signal.
Can you explain more please, i don't understand, probably my bad english level :D

The TL072 dual op-amp doesn't clip the signal until it gets to within about 1V (very roughly) of the power rails. So on a 9V supply, you get about 7Vpp of possible signal level. Since that's generally a *lot* more than a guitar puts out, I was suggesting that there'd be available "headroom" for you to boost the signal before things start to distort.