Kill Dry Mod for Hardware DL-8

Started by Ccontech, July 26, 2019, 09:49:41 AM

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I've seen 1 or 2 threads here talking about the Kill Dry modification for the old Hardware DL-8 pedal. I originally found directions on how to do this on DeXteR's WorkSHop website. He provides schematics and direction to either "Cut" the trace for the dry signal, or "Remove" the capacitors in the dry signal signal path (i.e. C6 and C18). As I evaluated the printed circuit board, I located C6 and C18, but the traces around these components don't quite match the schematic (I think). There is no easy way to "unsolder" C6 or C18" and without just cutting them out (which I don't want to do), I'm having trouble verifying this modification. I also cannot locate the the exact trace location for the dry signal to cut.

I see a post by Gabriel Tudoran talking about a drawing showing exactly where to cut these traces (and perhaps add a switch). Does anyone have this schematic or pic?

I thought that I would start a thread and see if I can obtain a little more information and knowledge from this community.

Anybody with some thoughts on this subject? I look forward to your response.