Fuzzdog Spectre Verb issue

Started by idiotwind, September 04, 2019, 08:24:09 AM

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I recently built a Spectre Verb from Fuzzdog (based on the EQD Ghost Echo).  The info pdf with the schematic etc is at http://pedalparts.co.uk/docs/SpectreVerb.pdf - I built it with the Dwell mod (R17 = 12K, Dwell pot = 25KB), and R5 is 18K for unity volume.  It uses a long decay BTDR-2H Belton Brick.

All was working fine, but whilst playing with the Dwell control right up, it got a bit out of control with the self-oscillation, there was a pop and the output became faint.  It then worked on and off for a couple of weeks, sometimes working fine all day, then other times flickering back and forth.  At the moment though it has not worked for a week.

I built an audio probe and started investigating.  I can tell for example that the Belton Brick is working as I can hear the clean signal going in and the wet signal coming out as expected.  The output from the circuit has reverb and also has the pre-delay from the PT2399, but is very faint.  Turning up the volume shows it is quite distorted.  If the Depth control is turned right down there is no output - this should be the dry output.

Here are my voltage readings:

Board V in = 9.12V

IC1 TL074
P1 = 6.72V
P2 = 6.08V
P3 = 6.08V
P4 = 9.12V
P5 = 3.04V
P6 = 6.08V
P7 = 6.08V
P8 = 8.53V
P9 = 6.01V
P10 = 6.03V
P11 = 0V
P12 = 6.04V
P13 = 6.08V
P14 = 6.08V

IC2 PT2399
P1 = 4.97V
P2 = 2.47V
P3 = 0V
P4 = 0.05V
P5 = 2.00V
P6 = 0V
P7 = 0V
P8 = 0V
P9 = 2.48V
P10 = 2.48V
P11 = 2.48V
P12 = 2.48V
P13 = 2.48V
P14 = 2.48V
P15 = 2.48V
P16 = 2.48V

IC3 78L05
P1 = 9.13V
P2 = 0V
P3 = 4.97V

IC4 78L05
P1 = 9.13V
P2 = 0V
P3 = 4.98V

D1 1N4001
A = 0V
K = 9.13V

From what I've read, IC1 pin 8 looks off, and using the audio probe I have a dry signal at 10, wet signal at 9, then 8 is about 3 times the volume and very distorted.  I replaced the TL074 but it does the same thing.  I was kind of hoping this would have been the fix, but perhaps there is something else that has gone wrong.  I guess the pop suggests some component got damaged and has been slowly failing to the point where it is now dead?  The way it was working perfectly for a couple of weeks makes me think it is unlikely to be a short or bad solder joint, though I could of course be wrong.

Happy to provide images/sound clips/readings - this is only my second pedal build and the first one went fine, so I've not got much experience of debugging circuits.  There is a bit of an issue as the back of the board is pretty inaccessible due to the pots and Belton Brick covering it, but I'll do my best.



Welcome!   :D

Yeah, pictures would be useful.  "Pop" is not good (I'm assuming you didn't mean a pop on the audio output).  Anything obviously blown-up, singed, cracked?
Ohm's Law - much like Coles Law, but with less cabbage...


Quote from: bluebunny on September 04, 2019, 09:22:24 AM
Welcome!   :D

Yeah, pictures would be useful.  "Pop" is not good (I'm assuming you didn't mean a pop on the audio output).  Anything obviously blown-up, singed, cracked?

If you check out the last 30 seconds or so of this demo video you can hear what I was getting, with it feeding back and building up.  But that went a bit too far and then yes, there was a "pop" sound in the output and then it went faint.

I can't see any obviously bulging capacitors or scorching, and have tried replacing both the TL074 and the PT2399 chips.

For photos, front and back are here: https://imgur.com/a/OYT631F - as I said, it is pretty difficult to get a clear view of the back of the board because of the pots and brick


IC1 p12 p13 p14 come from two equal resistors R20 R21 across the 9V supply. We expect 4.5V here. You have 6V here and all Vref points?

< worked on and off for a couple of weeks, sometimes working fine all day, then other times flickering back and forth.  At the moment though it has not worked for a week.

The PT reverb chip has funky modes. But "usually" a build which works and not-works unpredictably, you should suspect Solder Joints.


Quote from: PRR on September 05, 2019, 12:38:35 AM
IC1 p12 p13 p14 come from two equal resistors R20 R21 across the 9V supply. We expect 4.5V here. You have 6V here and all Vref points?

< worked on and off for a couple of weeks, sometimes working fine all day, then other times flickering back and forth.  At the moment though it has not worked for a week.

The PT reverb chip has funky modes. But "usually" a build which works and not-works unpredictably, you should suspect Solder Joints.

Thanks very much for taking a look.

Yes, I'm definitely getting 6V at those pins.  Investigating that part of the circuit, I can see R20 is 9.13V on one side, 6.04V on the other.  R21 is 6.04V on one side and 0.001V on the other.  However, looking more closely, I can see that I actually made a mistake on R21 - that brown first stripe is actually red.  So it is 20K not 10K (they really do look very similar in normal light)

That explains the voltage only dropping to 6 instead of 4.5, correct?  I'll get that swapped for a 10K and recheck the voltages.


Quote from: idiotwind on September 05, 2019, 04:26:56 AM
looking more closely, I can see that I actually made a mistake on R21 - that brown first stripe is actually red.  So it is 20K not 10K..
That explains the voltage only dropping to 6 instead of 4.5, correct?
:icon_wink: :icon_wink: :icon_wink:
(actuall resistors values aren't critical as far as they're equal..)
"I'm getting older while being taught all the time" Solon the Athenian..
"I don't mind  being taught all the time but I do mind a lot getting old" Antonis the Thessalonian..


Quote from: idiotwind on September 05, 2019, 04:26:56 AM
That explains the voltage only dropping to 6 instead of 4.5, correct?


The voltage at the "middle" of a potential divider such as this is directly related to the ratio of the resistances.  Ohms law tells us V=IR.  The I (current) must be the same though both resistors since electrons can't appear or disappear spontaneously en route (the current entering one end has to emerge at the other - all of it).  Therefore the voltage V is directly proportional to the resistance.  Since your resistors were in the ratio 20000:10000 (or 2:1), so are the respective voltages across each resistor.  Hence 6V as your VREF.

Phew!  That was long-winded!  Just eaten lunch, so some sugar-rush I guess...   :)
Ohm's Law - much like Coles Law, but with less cabbage...


Ok, thanks, I've replaced that resistor and have new values for IC1:

P1 = 4.94V
P2 = 4.56V
P3 = 4.56V
P4 = 9.12V
P5 = 2.28V
P6 = 4.56V
P7 = 4.56V
P8 = 8.52V
P9 = 4.51V
P10 = 4.53V
P11 = 0V
P12 = 4.54V
P13 = 4.56V
P14 = 4.56V

So, that is hopefully a bit better.

Still the same output.  Pin 8 of IC1 still confuses me.  If I'm looking at it right, is IC1C supposed to take the dry signal in at pin 10, the wet signal in at 9 and output a blend of the two at 8.  This then goes through R18 and C15 on it's way to the output.  I have a good dry and wet output at 10 and 9, but 8 is just massively loud and blown out.  Checking now, the sound at R18 seems like a slightly poorer quality version of pin 9.  As I mentioned in my first post, if Depth is right down, there is no output, as if the dry signal is not getting to the output.


I suggest R5 is not really connected.


Quote from: PRR on September 05, 2019, 01:20:03 PM
I suggest R5 is not really connected.

Well, it's now working.

I redid R5 as you suggested and there was a definite improvement - I got a faint dry signal when Depth was turned off, whereas before it was silent.  But it was still not 100% there, so I pressed on.  I redid R6 as well, and then because it was bothering me that the loud signal from pin 8 of IC1 seemed to be weak by the time it got to R18, I redid pin 8 as well.

Plugged it in and put my probe on the output and got a solid noise - just a BRRR.  Probed around and found it all over the place.  I was just starting to panic when I remembered the Dwell control was right up and I was just listening to a wall of reverby feedback.  Turned that down and it was perfect.

Thanks so much for your help, it really showed me where to focus my attention.


Good work! It's nice when you fix one, isn't it?! 8)