Turning a Marshall Mode Four into a combo. ANY AND ALL HELP!!

Started by brokenstarguitar, October 30, 2019, 05:03:08 PM

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Hey guys, im hoping someone can help me out. Now my main (and favorite) amp is a Marshall Mode Four. Ive had a halfstack since the very day they came out.

Anyway, all my equipment got stolen, everthing! I dont even have a guitar left and honestly, not sure when Ill find the extra cash to get another. Finances are rough with 3 toddlers under 5yrs and 1 due December 29th.

Anyway, i managed to aquire another Mode Four head in return for a custom built OD. So now I have the head and not a single cab.

This is my question: how do I go about making it a 2x12 combo? Ive been researching this for about a month now. Ive realized the MF was built with the Marshall AVT tube preamp idea. Not sure if they used the circuit from the AVT in the MF or not but from what Ive gathered the AVT combo has the largest (that ive seen) amp cavity. Does anyone know if I could swap the two and have the MF line up with the cab screws? If not any other combos that would work? Or does anyone know of someone that builds custom combos (like the wood working)?

Anyway, Ive come to a dead end on this so any and ALL help would be greatly  appreciated.


Pictures of the AVT......

Pictures of the Mode Four.


Any particular reason why to turn a head into a combo?
More often combo's are turned into heads, because it's more portable (your back will thank you, seriously) and flexible.
Also heads are a little better regarding cooling (marshall heads have the tubes standing up, combo's have the tubes hanging down) and vibrations.

I would suggest to keep the head and build a separate speaker cabinet.
The AX84 1x12 is not too hard to build.
Unfortunately the ax84.com site seems to be down, I'll PM you the pdf with the plan.