Opamp triode: "Triope"v2.0

Started by Steben, January 08, 2020, 02:40:04 PM

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Behold the Triope v2.0
My attempt on a simple tube sim preamp stage.
The splitting of the halves of the clipping is a version of the Carvin SX circuit.
What I tried here was to simulate the assymetric clipping behaviour of a triode. The first diode is a Schottky one. This simulates the grid-source cut off behaviour (Green graph shows this point). Since the following opamp has a gain of about 3 and an opposite clipping with silicon, the clipping of the opposite side is harder compared to the first (blue graph). This results in a slight assymetry with a somewhat comparable clipping voltage typical to balanced triode stages.

Works best at relatively low signals such as with single coils. Although one can easily double the diodes to have more headroom.

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