Mods for Boss TR-2 depth control?

Started by medio-core, January 10, 2020, 09:04:59 AM

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Hi All, thanks in advance for your time. I'm hoping for some of your guidance on how to get a bit more control from the depth knob on my Boss TR-2. It seems like if the depth control is at noon or greater then thing are fine, but below noon the trem effect is virtually inaudible. It's pretty steep drop off from no wet signal to a bit and then to too much. I love the pedal overall, just wish I could have more options over the depth so it's not just all or nothing.

I personally haven't noticed the volume drop with this pedal that some have, so I have yet to do any mods on it. I know there are mods posted out there to make the rate, waveform or depth more intense but I'm just trying to get a better taper through out the depth knob's sweep. Maybe just a pot change?

Any suggestions? Anyone else run into this with this pedal or is it just my pedal and my ears that are off?
