Looking for help with PT2399 delay - signal passing with no delay effect

Started by apguitardude, January 25, 2020, 02:51:35 PM

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Hi there, I am new to this site as a poster and havent had much luck browsing for answers so I thought i would ask the message board.    I have breadboarded a Rebote 2 delay pedal and was successful, however, while switching the delay time potentiometer the echo effect stopped.  I am still getting a "dry" signal but no echo effect whatsoever.  I decided to rebuild from scratch... 3 times and getting the exact same result of dry signal with no effect.   After some browsing I found a "fix" in which pins 3 and 4 are connected together and grounded - this did not fix the issue.
  I checked my regulator and pin 1 of the IC and voltages are correct.  Did the beep test on my connections and even tested my jumper wires and external components for issues but everything seems fine.
  I am self taught in electronics but have built many fuzz, booster and distortion pedals and having trouble stepping into the modulation-type effects with this chip this in particular.

  I will attach the schematic here if anyone has any experience with  this or suggestions.

Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions!


Welcome to the forum.

This may seem insane but remove the PT2399 from your board and short out all the pins at the same time. Sometimes a PT2399 can latch-up when the delay-time pin supplies too much current, such as when changing the pot or shorting something out. The latch-up condition remains even after powering down and can remain for quite some time. Shorting all the pins can usually restore a latched chip. Try it.


thank you I will try this.  Is it possible for this to have happened to 3 different IC chips?   As I said, I have built the exact circuit now 4 times and only getting clean signal and that's after swapping for 3 different chips so I'm completely stumped.   I know the schematic works because on the 1st attempt all was well until the "lock up".


Another Jim came up with a pearl.
Use tin foil to short the legs. Push the legs through together.

Pin6 needs to see a min resistance. Can't remember off the top of my head but think it might be 1k minimum.

If you look at some of the PT2399 delay designs. Some have a built in anti latch up transistor arrangement.


Ma throats as dry as an overcooked kipper.

Smoke me a Kipper. I'll be back for breakfast.

Grey Paper.