Coupling Caps/Pulldown Resistors on Loop Pedal?

Started by seten, January 28, 2020, 06:07:47 PM

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I'm getting pops on my loop pedal that controls my dirt section - I'm gonna play around with pulldown resistors but do I also need coupling capacitors? or would those be redundant if the pedals in the loop all have their own coupling caps. I'd think the pulldown resistors would be redundant too but maybe I just dont understand fully when theyre needed - seems to me I need to do something with my loop pedal because none of the pedals in the loop pop on their own footswitch but every switch on the loop pedal pops HARD.

Just noticed something funky too - so the loop pedal has two main loops with their own volume controls, one is just a normal effects loop and the other is a loop with an A/B switch, and theres a 4pdt toggle to swap the order of the two loops.  First one just has a Klone in it for mild OD and the A/B has a med gain SS/BS Mini on A and a Terminal for high gain fuzz on B. I thought the A/B was completely bypassed when the A/B bypass switch is in bypass, but I just noticed that its a whole lot noisier when the A/B switch is selected to B (high gain). Any ideas on what could be causing this? Do I need to ground the output of the A/B channel when its bypassed? I thought grounding the input was enough and I cant think of how to ground the output without that also retroactively grounding the other channel through the 4pdt order toggle. I figure this part might need my wiring setup for an answer since I probably did something the wrong way but my schem is pretty sloppy - how do yall get make those nice n neat digital wiring diagrams? I'll try to draw up a nice one by hand soon.