220K vs 250K Trimmer Pot Question

Started by sarakisof, March 07, 2020, 12:55:18 AM

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Hello everyone, after full restoration of my Farfisa Compact organ combo (topic previously discussed here) i was about to close the case, while jamming for fun and making some last adjustments to the spring reverb's trim pot with a screwdriver (those ancient open pots) , i realised that by touching or pressing a bit the pot's screw middle lug the reverb effect was getting lost and come back randomly. Also there wasva tiny buzz which was stopping by the time i was touching the lug. After excluding this to happen from switch/tab dirty contact, i realised that the pot itself was the culprit. Getting crazy Ω test measurements, so i straight desoldered it and connected a 250K potentiometer. Voila! No buzz at all and effect worked as it should.

The two components i have in hand are a B250K potentiometer and a 220K Piher closed type 5x10mm. Trimmer Pot.
The trimmer is actually in the exact dimensions and can replace the old trimmer pot perfectly. In terms of populating it is the ideal equivalent option, as it is a trimmer too, so more stable.
The other option is 250K but it is a B250K common pot, so i have to make some tricks there by glueing it there somehow and  hardwire, plus the original trim pot is used there as a trimmer, you make your adjustments and that's it, wouldn't like to use a shaft pot for this..

So according to schem, should i use a 220K instead of a 250K trim pot? I know i could indeed but i d like to hear another opinion.

You can see the original  R536 0.25M trim pot above.


The 220K trimpot will be fine as long as you have a suitable range of adjustment.
Try it and if it can be set to provide the characteristics you want then all is good.
You will not hurt anything by trying it.


Yeap i soldered the 220K trimmer it did perfectly matched there.
Just to clarify, with 220K i would have a bit less range of reverb length min to max or the opossite? Cause i didn't noticed any difference almost at all.

DIY Bass

From what I have seen a good, tight tolerance trimpot would be 10%, so a 220k could be anywhere from 198k to 242k.  A 250k trimmer could be anywhere from 225k to 275k.  There is a fair bit of overlap there, and even a reasonable chance that your 2 trimpots were in fact the exact same value - even more so for more typical 20% tolerance.  If it sounds the same then there is no real significant difference probably