Radio button switching with 74C373

Started by Buffalo Tom, March 04, 2020, 08:12:28 AM

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I agree with R.G, nowadays with the prices of uC and the ease of access to both programming devices and software development tools, I would go for a PIC or AVR based solution

For a similar price you can get something like an ATTINY84, or if you need more I/O an Atmega328 for a little more (less than 2$). And your parts count will decrease, as you can run them with internal oscillators, and you can do all the debouncing by software as well. And if you use latching relays, there are options that don't even require a relay driver.

For all my switching needs I abandoned long ago the use of logic ICs. I first moved to PICs, but now I use mostly AVRs that can be programmed in C with Arduino IDE and have tons of libraries available.

Ben N

AND if you do it with a uC, MIDI control becomes trivial, with no extra hardware except an optocoupler for thru/out.