Bicolor Common Cathode LED Wiring Issue with Positive Ground Fuzz Face clone?

Started by Bandwagonesque, March 17, 2020, 03:27:04 AM

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Hi everyone. I've been working on a positive ground germanium fuzz face clone with some modifications, in particular the addition of a big muff-like tone stack. For now, i've made the tone stack bypassable via a SPDT toggle switch. But now i'd like to use a DPDT footswitch instead, along with a common cathode bi-color LED to indicate whether the tone stack is ON (for this case, red), or BYPASSED (green). I've been having alot of trouble getting things to work correctly with the new switch and bi-color common cathode LED in play and know its due to my short comings in wiring (what diagrams ive found online haven't helped me as much as i would think). I've tried every combination that i figured should work, some work almost there but have come with unwelcome caveats (for example, when the tone is engaged, the LED has color issues and only emitting halfway there. also has issues cutting the output volume to about half for some weird reason with the tone stack bypassed. ).  Could my problems be due to this being a positive ground effect?

Heres a wiring diagram I drew up of whats in play with the tone stack bypass switch and the bi-color common cathode LED with things left vacant to a point in getting the rest of the LED wired up correctly. 
If anyone be so kind as to show me how i would wire the rest of this diagram up? Any help would be graciously appreciated to get around this wall and onto the next mod i'd like to tack on.


I am not following you on the tone stack wiring, I would need a schematic.  But I think this is what you want to do with the LED:


hmm, thats weird. that didn't seem to do it. the LED is green/yellow (sorry for the screw up on the diagram) and it only emits 'orange' at all times now (must be a glitch), and the tone bypass switch only goes between orange (tone stack on) and completely off/no color(tone stack bypassed). ive been flying by the seat of my pants so far so ill do my best to get a correct schem up here to help, still green on reading them alone but may have to get a vero layout up if anything to show the tone stack and if that may be the issue.