6111 Tube Tremolo/vibrato help

Started by tr1ple_bigm4c, April 08, 2020, 03:25:47 PM

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I have this schematic och what basically seems like a 6111 based Valvecaster with tremolo built in, that i reckon i either found on here or diyAudio.com,and i have a few questions about it.
First of all has anyone built this? experiences?
I have most of the parts to build it lying around, including a pair of soviet 6111. What's the point of the LDRs? How would i tack on a DPST stomp switch in order to make this a true bypass circuit? Thanks.

Marcos - Munky

First of all, welcome!

For the info on this circuit, including build reports, check this topic: https://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=74262.0

On the lfo there's a led that will oscillate, you should put both ldrs facing this led so their resistance changes based on how bright is the led. It's a nice idea to use a rectangular led with the ldrs facing the side of the led.