Tagboardeffects Small Clone Vero layout

Started by Gatocaster, August 18, 2020, 12:29:01 PM

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Hi. I was looking at the tagboardeffects vero build of the Small Clone. While comparing it to the tonepad schematic of the Small Clone I noticed that the LM358 on the vero layout seems to be in the wrong position. eg on the schematic pin 1 goes to the depth pot, whereas on the vero layout it goes to the 470k resistor; likewise pins 3 & 6 should be linked by a 68k resistor, whereas on the vero layout pin 3 goes to the 120k and 470k resistors.

Any help greatly received.


LM358 is a dual opamp ie. two opamps in one package.

Have you checked that the layout may just have switched the two opamps, so that pin 7 is equal to pin 1 in the schematic etc. (pin 5 -> pin 3, pin 6 -> pin 2)

Just a guess, I haven't checked myself.

Edit: Just checked and it looks like that.
"Rick, your work is almost disgusting, it's so beautiful.  Meaning: it's so darned pretty that when I look at my own stuff, it makes me want to puke my guts out."


Many thanks for pointing that out - now it makes sense