position of fuzz/attack knob when biasing fuzz face Q2?

Started by m7b52000, October 03, 2020, 01:02:15 AM

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I have read that the fuzz control should be at the mid point when setting the bias of Q2. Is this true if I tend to use the fuzz with the fuzz control maxxed out? It makes more sense to me to set it with the fuzz control where it's going to be used??




Theoretically it shouldn't matter, the cap connected to the fuzz pot wiper shouldn't effect DC conditions.  In reality, maybe it does very slightly due to electrolytic cap leakage.  I never checked.  But either way, biasing for a Q2 collector voltage is really just a starting point.  From there, I recommend setting it to how you will use it and making the final adjustment by ear.