Issues building my landtone klon clone. No sound on or off, led works with 9v co

Started by jdoughty, November 15, 2020, 04:40:32 PM

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So, I believe the pin 3's 3 volts is expected due to the 1M resistor going into the input buffer from the power... So I'm back to square one...

DIY Bass

Not at all back to square one.  There are a whole lot of potential problems that have been ruled out by confirming that the voltages are correct.  The next step is probably to read up on making an audio probe and do that.  The article above with the schematic in shows pretty well the signal flow through the pedal.  Start at the input jack and follow through with a signal probe and see where you are losing the signal.


I probably should make a new topic. I'm not losing signal anymore, so much as I'm not seeing anything change with the tone knob and the internal battery doesn't work.

I've checked the Tone and there's audio on both ends of the pot, and an outgoing signal from the center. I tested the pots resistor value and it appears to correctly be going 0-10k on each side. I will check tomorrow and see if maybe there's some signal lost elsewhere that's making the signal not be what it needs to be for the tone to work.

DIY Bass

OK, Battery not working should be pretty simple.  Firstly, did you try on battery power with leads plugged into the 2 audio jacks?  Usually one of them acts as a switch to disconnect the battery when the pedal is not in use.  Looks like these clones use the output jack.  You should get continuity between the battery -ve and one of the output jack connections - not the tip.  Measure with a multimeter on resistance setting and with no power to the circuit.  Usually it will connect to the "ring" connection of the jack.  The ground or sleeve connection of the same jack will connect to the common ground for the circuit, so find any ground point and test that.  With a guitar lead in that jack then the -ve battery snap connector should connect to ground, with the lead removed it shouldn't.  The +ve battery snap will connect to the DC power socket.  Those sockets have a switch to disconnect the battery when a power jack is inserted.  Make sure there is no jack inserted and test the connection from the battery +ve to the 9V supply.  Then plug in a power jack and you should get no connection.  If any of this does not behave properly then that will give clues about where the problem is.  Some of your photos of the wiring were a bit hard to make out, but there is a good guide for most of it here.


So looks like the ground scenario is fine, but the positive doesn't connect at any point, which is interesting.

Some new images of the power wires


Btw it was the red one that connected to ground and the white that connected when a jack went in

DIY Bass

So the +9v from the battery doesn't connect to any of the pins on the power jack?  Is there a connection between the battery +9v and any of the PCB pads where those wires connect from the power jack?  Also, can you confirm a connection from the battery snap to the battery PCB pad?