Catalinbread Digital / FV-1 products (Csidman)

Started by Strategy, May 14, 2021, 12:17:59 AM

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Ok so further investigation.
The open is between the Mix pot and the output jack somewhere. I can't figure out where yet.
I spent some time investigating the top side of the board and there's some PCB damage I never noticed before. i really figured the flaw would be a part issue, my own soldering, or the soldering that was already there, but it didn't occur to me until I saw this that there might be pcb damage. Remember, this unit was a shop floor hack/experiment subject, essentially garbage that an ex employee took home.

I would not be surprised at all if there's torn trace / traces in the spot indicated This is where I wish I had a schem, just so I could see how the output stage is designed because I think at this point I just need to figure out my jumpers between the pots and the jack. Then I need to figure out why the LED won't light as well.

thinking about contacting Catalinbread for a schem or seeing if I still have the info for the guy I bought this from to see if he kept schematics.
- strategy
