What is this killer 1970s Fuzz?

Started by vitopower1, September 04, 2021, 10:24:46 AM

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Hi Folks,

I really like this one, but I can't place it.  Ibanez Standard Fuzz?




Rules apply only for those who are not allowed to break them


The guitar is too clear. It sounds like a blend of fuzz and direct.

Mark Hammer

Pretty much the only fuzz at the time that allowed one to blend a mix of clean and fuzz signals was the Maestro FZ-1S.  Mine disappeared after loaning it to someone, so I couldn't give you a positive ID by sound alone.  But is Is the only one with that capability, from that era, that I know of.  At the same time, this is a Japanese singer, and there is all manner of things made and found only in Japan that never reached here, so that's a tentative "only one".


WOW, thanks for the replies, and from legends of DIY!! IvIark I though the character was similar to my FZ1S (that I probably built from tagboardfx site!) but didn't even think about the blend control.. but go figure, I'm in the presence of so many ears that are greater than mine.   THANK YOU all for years of so many great projects!   :icon_biggrin:


Well, I forgot about the blend. I actually have one BTW. I haven't ever used it on a gig or anything.

Mark Hammer

It's a decent fuzz, with two distinct "voices".  I miss mine.