FilterFX - 12dB/oct autowah thing with LP/BP/HP and 8 wave shapes

Started by ElectricDruid, March 19, 2018, 03:33:19 PM

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It's certainly possible. The TAPLFO would easily drop in to the circuit and could drive the filter in exactly the same way. The biggest problem would be panel space for all the potential options/pots.

Later note: I've changed my mind. I remembered that one of the significant differences between the two chips is that the TAPLFO doesn't have the Offset CV control (which is used to set the base filter frequency in the FilterFX pedal). That's a pretty big limitation. In some ways the StompLFO is the ideal chip for the job. The TAPLFO does have the BIPOLAR pin which selects between a 0V offset and a 2.5V offset, but you only get those two options, not a full pot to sweep from 0-5V like on the StompLFO.

So it's possible, but you'd have to find another way to control the basic frequency.

I don't think I've got time currently though, so sorry. If anyone else would like to have a go...?