KiCad 1590B Enclosure outline?

Started by soggybag, October 29, 2021, 12:02:11 PM

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I'm learning KiCad. I'd like to add an outline for a 1590B box to the PCB layout as a guide.

I have part for this in Eagle. It adds the dimensions for the 1590B box to the silkscreen layer. Is there something like this for KiCad? If so where do I get it and how do you add it?

If not, how can make something to show a guide that is the outline of the box?


Yes, this can easily be done.

I do it all the time for complex fitments.

But, your asking of this question makes me think that you have yet to start making your own custom footprints.

... while fairly easy it still has a bit of a learning curve to it.

Sparkfun has a pretty good starter on custom libraries.

For now since it is a simple outline you could just manually draw it on whatever layer you want it on.

"It'll never work."

Kevin Mitchell

There are ways to convert eagle parts for kicad and import them - a quick google search will guide you. I've done it once but on my new system I just draw everything I need from scratch.

Use the dimensions of this drawing and draw them on the edge cut layer with a small offset so it'll fit inside.

Personally since I like using PCB mounted controls my method is to attached 3D models of each component, export the board as a step file and then see how it lines up with the enclosure in a 3D drawing environment (I like fusion360). Using that I see if it all fits right by aligning the highest component (usually the pot) with the inner surface, extrude the holes and then slice up the enclosure for a flat pattern drill template.

It's tedious but makes for one hell of a preview for the build doc once it's all set.
Here's a fusion360 snippet of a board for a 125B - back from when I was figuring it all out.