stereo panner/positioner

Started by buffler, December 29, 2021, 07:14:01 PM

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hi all - i'm looking for something that i thought surely exists already but the internet tells me maybe it doesn't - i am just looking to position a mono source between stereo outputs, like one knob (0 is L, 5 is C, 10 is R, if that makes sense) in one box, as small as possible, and i'd love to be able to hook up an expression controller (thinking obne expression slider or expression ramper) to control panning remotely.

(there are a million stereo tremolo/auto-panners out there that do very cool things but almost every single one only offers expression control over the rate at which it moves the signal back and forth between L and R, not the actual position of the signal itself)

functionally, the ernie ball 6165 comes very close, but it's just way too big and a treadle is not the way i'd like to control this thing.

i feel like i could simply gut a 6165 and put its parts into a box and just put a knob on the pot and call it a day? if that's the case - rad! my only question at that point is how to add expression control.

and i guess i actually don't know what bypassing this pedal would look like - i guess i'd need to split the signal equally between L and R outputs?

any insights/ideas/concerns/etc. welcome - thanks so much


these kinds of pedals often don't have bypass switches.

you could just use a dual 500k linear potentiometer, on the other hand, you could do a buffered version (which i personally recommend)
another option would be a boost/cut setup, which can help with overdriving an amp.

friendly reminder: all holes are positive and have negative weight, despite not being there.



Welcome Buffler!

If you want to be able to add a remote control, a VCA-based solution is probably more versatile. Most of those stereo trem/panner things you've seen will be based on VCAs under the hood.

I'd be looking for a LM13700 panner circuit, since it's got two OTAs and can therefore do both channels on one chip. Here's an example I played with for synths - hence the +/-15V power supply. But such things can be adjusted for 0-9V instead.

As usual, RG has been here before me:

There's stuff in this paper that will definitely do everything you want.



Morley made a stereo position pedal way back.