Project development: Creaky Floor

Started by EBK, January 25, 2019, 09:12:58 AM

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I think the only thing more I would do with this prototype is laser a new piece of wood with some labels.  This is my draft.  Nothing fancy.

I'm quite happy with it as it is though.  I don't want to add a bypass switch.  If you set the trim at the first LED, it is basically in buffered bypass already.
Technical difficulties.  Please stand by.


Quote from: Phend on October 17, 2021, 04:12:06 PM
(I was going to say your pedal stinks but see it might not be the pedal after all)
Hey! Those are clean socks in those demos, I swear!  :icon_razz:
Technical difficulties.  Please stand by.


I made a bezel for the lights out of some 1/16-in. plywood.  It's a slight step up from the last time I made a bar graph bezel out of an old floppy disk.
Technical difficulties.  Please stand by.


Very neat, Eric.  I see you've gone for a Scandinavian laminate flooring look.  I think it would be cool to do another with a 18th century tavern oak floorboard vibe.  :icon_cool:
Ohm's Law - much like Coles Law, but with less cabbage...


I recorded a demo last night that shows the trim adjustment.  A Rat pedal is connected to the send/return jacks in the video.

Trim off: No signal when my foot is lifted.

Trim on, second LED lit:  The Rat output is heard when my foot is lifted.

Trim on, first LED lit: The clean signal is heard when my foot is lifted.

Technical difficulties.  Please stand by.


I love this project. This thing is so neato!
I have no idea what I'm doing.


Technical difficulties.  Please stand by.