Barberpole Phaser for the weekend Sir??

Started by StephenGiles, July 17, 2022, 11:59:59 AM

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Dave Peck over at Mod Wiggler offered this idea for a Barberpole Phaser:

Two phase shifters and a crossfader. Three phase sync'd LFOs.

The phasers are modulated by phase sync'd rising sawtooth LFOs that are locked 180 degrees out of phase, so when one saw LFO reaches the 'top', the other is at the midpoint of the rise.

These are fed through a crossfader that is modulated by a phase sync'd sine LFO that is running at half the frequency of the phasers, which causes the crossfader to fade out each phaser just as it reaches the 'top' of it's saw LFO sweep and snaps back to the 'bottom'. So you don't hear that sudden transition, you only hear the continuous rising phaser effect that is always produced at the output of the crossfader.

Any takers?
"I want my meat burned, like St Joan. Bring me pickles and vicious mustards to pierce the tongue like Cardigan's Lancers.".


Good idea!
Sounds closely related to my Quadrature Trianglewave LFO design for a Pitchshifter with BBDs.
Four 90° phaseshifted LFO-outputs* drive the clocks of two BBDs and two VCAs.
Swapping the phases to the VCAs turns from speed-up to speed down.
Looks very promising from my experimental theoretical graphs ...

(*with minor dirty tricks)

Literature: US-patents


Hello there, I hope you are keeping cool - we are expecting 40C Monday!!

I'll check out those patents.
"I want my meat burned, like St Joan. Bring me pickles and vicious mustards to pierce the tongue like Cardigan's Lancers.".


Quote from: StephenGiles on July 17, 2022, 03:58:40 PM
Hello there, I hope you are keeping cool - we are expecting 40C Monday!!

I'll check out those patents.
We`re only going to 36° on Wednesday and 39° next Monday ...
Those patents are not concerning any phasing, but time-compressing/expanding or pitch-alteration, which however deals with similar techniques that can be used for barperpoling toys.

Mark Hammer

To all our Euro-friends, baking in the heat, I recommend filling up your bath or a similar-sized basin with tepid water, ankle deep, letting it reach room temperature.  Standing in it with bare feet will lose body hear through the blood vessels in your ankles and lower your body temperature nicely.  Not much I can suggest about putting up with smoke from wildfires, though.


Quote from: Mark Hammer on July 17, 2022, 07:25:20 PM
letting it reach room temperature.

:icon_smile: :icon_smile: :icon_smile:

You know Mark, room temprature might be considerably higher than 36.6oC (human body temp)..
"I'm getting older while being taught all the time" Solon the Athenian..
"I don't mind  being taught all the time but I do mind a lot getting old" Antonis the Thessalonian..


Quote from: antonis on July 18, 2022, 08:07:18 AM
Quote from: Mark Hammer on July 17, 2022, 07:25:20 PM
letting it reach room temperature.

:icon_smile: :icon_smile: :icon_smile:

You know Mark, room temprature might be considerably higher than 36.6oC (human body temp)..

Dead End FX

Asian Icemen rise again...

"My ears don't distinguish good from great.  It's a blessing, really." EBK


We`re lucky to have a hill in the north of the city, which is perforated by almost 20km of artificial tunnels (named: "cellars"), where the temperature remains at 8° to 10° all year long.
Before the invention of the cooling-machines these cellars were dug in the hill to keep the beer of the 18 local breweries of the time when the town was worlds largest beer-exporting city (ahead of Munich!) cool until after summer. This was supported by furnishing the cellars with big bars of ice cut out of the nearby river in winter.
In front of the entrances of these cellars large shady beergardens (for >10´000) people were established under the trees, and tiny towers were built around the ports, where the (strong) beer was tapped. Into 1 liter beermugs. You can feel cool air emanating from the ports ...
A big annual beerfest was established in 1755 (55 years before the Munich "Oktoberfest"!),
and the last cellar that nowadays is still opened from April until September even built a small brewery into its cellar, last year.
So that`s the place to go for us, these hot days ...
With a little help from a guy called "Beethoven" I even dedicated a song to the beerfest and its music:,
and we recorded it (with me singing) ...


Quote from: iainpunk on May 22, 2021, 04:48:33 PM
Quote from: anotherjim on May 22, 2021, 04:24:50 PM
I love the slow down of a Leslie. Pity it can't be made to do it continually without speeding up in between. Or can it? Is there an equivalent of a Barberpole/Shepard tone in a modulation effect?
in Fruity Loops, i programmed in a barber-pole chorus, but it was a pain in the butt to automate 2 parameters on 3 phasers and make it sound organic. iirc i went with sine waves for the depth and sawtooth for the freq. you need atleast 2 that are out of phase to make it sound continuous, i used 3.


edit: just redid a 2 voice barberpole phaser, i'm sorry for the somewhat corny sounding synth, it was the first preset i randomly clicked on.

with sound sample on a corny synth.

friendly reminder: all holes are positive and have negative weight, despite not being there.



Did anyone ever get the Sheppard Generator circuit in Polyphony to work?
"I want my meat burned, like St Joan. Bring me pickles and vicious mustards to pierce the tongue like Cardigan's Lancers.".