sellers of mn3204/ 3004

Started by nepalnt21, November 02, 2022, 11:20:01 PM

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is this just too good to be true?

there are sellers online (not just on reverb or ebay) claiming to have the mn3204 and mn3004 chips in stock, for not exorbitant prices.

digipart lists 30 sellers for the mn3004 and 12 sellers for the mn3209, and three 'trusted' sellers for each.

i'd love to mess around with this chip (i have one soldered to my rocktek flanger), and possibly make a few different flangers, but i'm also afraid of losing a chunk of my prescious paycheck to crooks or people who'd been had by crooks themselves.


i'm guessing, by the lack of responses, i must've just found a fools' gold mine :icon_redface:... or else everyone is silently buying them all up hehe.

maybe i'll just work on my discrete 512 stage flanger using homemade transistors.

seriously though, are there just no more legit mn3204s (or better still, 3210s), at any price :icon_mad:?

(edit - oopsie, i just realized my typo in the first post where i didn't mean to say mn3209... but i can't seem to 'modify' the original post. o well, actually 3209s would be pretty sweet as well)


The MN series mystery to me is that the 512-stage parts have not been resurrected while a 256-stage has.
I've long given up trying to find genuine old stock of BBDs.


I have 1 genuine chip but dont know what it would be worth


You're likely better off designing around the XVive MN3009 if you want real short delay times.


yeah, i've got a few of the mn3009s.

i'm just a mere novice when it comes to circuit design, i have to figure out how to get higher voltages out of the clock leg of the electric druid flangelicious chip.

why is it that there aren't a buncha mn3209s around? why didn't xvive and belling redo it? dang!


maybe i should pick up a couple of these TCA350 tin-tophats from small bear?  :icon_mrgreen:

185 stages, apparently

:icon_lol:  ;D ;D :icon_biggrin: :icon_lol:


TCA350 was in the old Solina synth string chorus and many other European competitors. Don't know of any general effects using them which seemed to prefer the Reticon BBD with 512/1024 stages until replaced by MN3007/3207. The ITT chip was discontinued long ago. MN3009 or MN3004 replaced it in the stringers with design changes. As Behringer wanted to produce a Solina clone, you'd think they would get Cool Audio to resurrect a 256 stage but I suppose there just aren't enough other uses for them and they don't want to rely on the Xvive chip.

Kevin Mitchell

Quote from: nepalnt21 on November 02, 2022, 11:20:01 PMi'm also afraid of losing a chunk of my prescious paycheck to crooks or people who'd been had by crooks themselves.

I had sold all my fake MN3204s for less than the value of what they actually were (relabeled 3207s).

I have some real ones but not many left, as well as other NOS BBDs you may enjoy. Feel free to shoot me a PM. I test each one that I send.

PS: Don't do ebay. Don't do UT source. Reverb may be more forgiving, though someone once chewed me out a couple years back over my asking price - who likely obtained a bunch of fakes afterwards cause they can "get them for less all day long" and quoted a price that I knew for a fact were those relabeled devices I mentioned.
That wasn't you now, was it?  :icon_lol:


haha, no not me; i DID see one seller on reverb (from south or central america, iirc) that has them as a lot (of 8 )... i was tempted to get them, but was afraid of being burned for more money than i am willing to part with so easily.

ultimately, i found one from a synth- part reseller in texas (they tell me it's been tested), so we'll see how it goes  :icon_mrgreen:

i may take you up on your offer, if i decide i want more (i probably will) once i make a flanger or two.

anyway, thanks!