Electra Distortion

Started by amz-fx, April 29, 2023, 11:50:02 PM

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Quote from: Mark Hammer on May 02, 2023, 12:07:19 PM
Quote from: pacealot on May 02, 2023, 11:18:07 AM
But you still can't buy a 2.3M resistor!
Ah, but you CAN.  They're just cleverly disguised as 2M2 5% resistors! ;D That means you have to "hand select" for them.

Or you can get a 2.32M resistor and pick one that is just a little below the target resistance!   :icon_lol:


...or get a 2.2M and file/sand the resistive element until it reads 2.3M?


Do you know what you're doing?


Okay, you folks got me! You can technically buy a 2.3M resistor. i stand thoroughly (if bizarrely) corrected.  8)

This also reminds me of another odd (and thoroughly trivial) error that's been propagated down the ages now, where, in the original Green Ringer, some early hero tracing one around hereabouts-ish (I think it might have been RG?) put down a pair of 56K resistors as 66K, probably because the green and blue stripes were both dark and hard to differentiate, and then that subsequently got "corrected" up to 68K by others (since 66K resistors don't exist!), and so the current accepted value is technically "wrong" from the originals. Again, though, in the actual circuit it hardly makes a difference (even from 56K to 68K in that case), which is undoubtedly why no-one's ever seemed to notice (I only did because I was also visually tracing pics of an original, just for fun, you know, as one does)...
"When a man assumes, he makes an ass out of some part of you and me."

Rob Strand

The point is it's a typo, not a tolerance issue. 

When Beavisaudio corrected the value he used 3M3 on his schematic.   Without any additional info that's as equally valid correction as 2M2.

It requires effort to work out what it actually is.  Which was the goal of the thread I linked earlier.

If the schematic isn't right it doesn't get built right.   Just look over the web, it's full of schematics with errors.
Send:     . .- .-. - .... / - --- / --. --- .-. -
According to the water analogy of electricity, transistor leakage is caused by holes.


Yes, even electrical engineers make mistakes. BTW, if you get bored just relax and thevenize.
Or deal with this problem.


On another note, my 70'S Electra, without modules.  :(

Do you know what you're doing?