Cry baby mini Auto Return Wah Buffer removal.

Started by StoneRose, April 15, 2023, 03:58:37 PM

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Hey Guys,

I would like to remove the input buffer from the cry baby mini 535q auto-return wah ( ture hardware bypass) I don't understand why they are still using these input buffers on wahs as they have a negative effect on the sound of a wah ,  I would rather have no buffers although a decent output buffer would make more sense than an input buffer.

I have no problem removing the SMD components although it is trickier.

this pedal seams to have the same component numbers/values when compared to pervious dunlop Wah circuits( up to a point) for example my through hole Dunlop made V848 and crybaby crybaby gcb-95.

I have Identified the buffer components I would normally remove
C9, C10, Q3,R13,R14,R16
R16 however is positioned some distance away,  above the Pots

Normally on Circuits Like the dunlop made V848 with true bypass I would remove the buffer components and Jumper a new connection to the 68K input resistor bypassing the buffer circuit.

with my limited understanding,  it looks like the buffer on this circuit connects to the boost circuit so I'm not sure about removing the buffer so looking for advice on that.

Also on the dunlop made V848 I removed R19 and C11 as they where not part of the original wah circuit , After removing the buffer would it be safe to remove them here also?

Thanks in advance :)