Fuzzrite GGG debugging. Need help.

Started by Fishtone, April 21, 2023, 10:09:25 PM

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Hello all! My name is Mike and I used to be a member if this board roughly 10 years ago or so. I am also getting back into pedal building after just as long. Having some issue with my first ( in a while) build. It's the MRFR (mosrite fuzzrite) clone from general guitar gadgets. I followed the wiring layout and made no changes to components and what not.

Issue: there is no sound when I activate the pedal. I get clean sound with the pedal bypassed. When I switch on the pedal, I get the LED to light up but get no sound.

The transistors should read out as such

C= .77 v
B= .63 v
E= 0 v

(Q2 should read the same as Q1)

Here are the read outs on my build

C= 8.50 v
B= 5.68 v
E= 0 v

C= 7.53 v
B= 4.25 v
E= 0v

9 volt power source (battery) is reading at 9.51 volts

I will add that for now I have had to wire lug 3 of the Fuzz (500k linear) to the bottom of the board marked Fb (the wire came off the board during debugging). I also may have jumped something near the LED by accident and may have burnt out the LED. Besides that, I have followed the directions from GGG to a T. This is the 3rd or 4th pedal kit I've built from GGG but the first fuzz style pedal.

Thanks for your help!!



The Bases can't possibly be more than 0.7V up from the Emitters, which are properly at zero V.

Wrong pinout? Way-wrong parts like JFET?


Ahhh, I just noticed that I was sent CEN2N 3906 transistors. From some very brief research, these appear to be PNP at least... and if im not mistaken they should be NPN. I think im gonna try swapping them out with 2n2222 transistors I've got handy.

Edit: yes, those other transistors worked like a charm. Thanks again for the help!


When you get it working, be sure to audition a few different transistors. The gains do make a big difference in this circuit, IMHO.  If interested, later on I can measure the gains of the ones I used to get max. sustain and smoothness.
MXR Dist +, TS9/808, Easyvibe, Big Muff Pi, Blues Breaker, Guv'nor.  MOSFace, MOS Boost,  BJT boosts - LPB-2, buffers, Phuncgnosis, FF, Orange Sunshine & others, Bazz Fuss, Tonemender, Little Gem, Orange Squeezer, Ruby Tuby, filters, octaves, trems...