photos of a working DFX Turbotrem wanted

Started by spacekid71, April 26, 2023, 05:08:17 PM

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Hi everyone,

It would be good to see some photos of working DFX Turbotrems so I can compare my two faulty builds with them.




It's a rainy day. A great time to build in my jamjams. Sold my first one, so slapped together another one. It works. Here ya goes...

Transistors are BC549C, and a J113 FET, as called for in the build doc. I tried MPSA18's as well, with no difference in performance.

The Chinese "STL" brand VTL5C3 vactrol workalikes are shit. The dark resistance is too low, and the audio doesn't get the gain. The slope might be all wrong too. Waste of money. I have a bunch of real ones, and they work great. Since they're getting tough to get (read "expensive"), I decided to try rollies instead. Clear bright green LED, and the following LDR's work fine;
- GL5528
- GL5537
- GL5539
- NSL5542 (larger LDR, and spec's close to the VTL5C3, but you'll need bigger heatshrink)

Very subtle differences between them, really almost impossible to hear. Probably my ears playing tricks on me, but I went with the 5537's. Heavy black automotive heatshrink, with adhesive coating on the inside. Heat the end and pinch. Done. My VTL5's live to sleep another day.

Other than that, screwed up wiring the jacks. Of course. Caught my error and corrected. Everything works as it should. I still prefer my 4ms Stereo Panneur, but hey... a close second is an almost first. One less empty spot in the cupboard I need to dust.
Dead End FX

Asian Icemen rise again...

"My ears don't distinguish good from great.  It's a blessing, really." EBK