Anyone aware of PCB’s w/runoffgroove circuits?

Started by Jbassfunk775, July 23, 2023, 03:21:32 PM

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I came to the world of diy guitar amplifier & pedal electronics sometime after runoffgroove was no longer adding to the website (I'm also unaware why). I dig FET preamp & eq circuits and so that's how I discovered the page. It's possible there's a history there, and a great deal I don't know about them but I would like to built some of thier circuits.

**So if anyone's aware of a distributor that sells ROG RTS (unpopulated) PCB's I'd be super grateful! It's likely that some of ROG's circuits have been laid out for stripboard but I'm not really crazy about building stripboard fx.. Particularly when higher parts counts are involved! I started building a stripboard layout of Brian Wampler's plexi drive but never finished.. I mean look at this->


Quick google search shows:
PedalPCB:Umble and 22/7
Aion: Peppermill and Supreaux
I see a lot more. Google Runoffgroove and PCB




Quote from: idy on July 23, 2023, 03:57:44 PM
Aion: Peppermill and Supreaux

Also the Supreaux Deux, Tri-Vibe and UBE Screamer!


FuzzDog in the UK does a bunch of ROG stuff.  Just search for "runoffgroove" when you get there.
Ohm's Law - much like Coles Law, but with less cabbage...

Toy Sun

Love these! Big thanks to those who create and post PCB Gerbers with the fab houses. I love working this way!