First Delay Build - Crap-Fi Delay - Sounds Crappy

Started by Box_Stuffer, March 03, 2024, 12:00:16 PM

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So I made my first attempt at delay. I went off of this Crap-Fi Delay diagram :

It sounds great except I get the footswitch click coming through and when I change pickups with the selector switch I get a pop also. I realize that I should probably re-do it with buffers like most all delays have. I'm sure that would help. I also have schematics for the Deep Blue and Little Angel delays and both use op-amp buffers.


Are you asking for help with something?


It's called that for a reason. :icon_biggrin:  There's a lot of things you could do to improve it, but then it'd be something else. As a minimal-parts circuit that works more-or-less, it's not too bad. But it does only-just-about work.
Using the internal op-amps to make proper filters would help quite a lot with both noise and aliasing. If the impedance of the input filters were considered, you could maybe get away without the buffer, although you won't get such a high input impedance as you would with a buffer. That may or may not matter - since delay is rarely the firt thing in the chain, you might well get away with it.