How does the mixer out work on a Digitech Bad Monkey

Started by Christoper, Yesterday at 01:34:14 PM

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Anyone know how the mixer output on one of these things work? I assume it is a very simple low pass filter, but is there anything else to it? I can't find a schematic online that includes the speaker sim portion, and my eyes aren't good enough to trace the smt board

Rob Strand

Quote from: Christoper on Yesterday at 01:34:14 PMAnyone know how the mixer output on one of these things work? I assume it is a very simple low pass filter, but is there anything else to it? I can't find a schematic online that includes the speaker sim portion, and my eyes aren't good enough to trace the smt board
It's a high-order low pass filter (pretty sure two opamps and 5th order).  Nothing in the bass region, not even cut.

The Bad Monkey cab sim was reported to be same as the Screaming Blues cab sim, and the schematic for that was on-line at some point.

Found it,
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According to the water analogy of electricity, transistor leakage is caused by holes.
