TS808 tone potentiometer

Started by jrc4558, November 10, 2003, 12:11:46 AM

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What is the taper of that pot? Doesn't sem to be linear or logarithmic.

Where to get the exact replacements?
Thank you all/


It;s a wierd one. I just built mine from pot/fixed R's.
 I can't quite remem if the resistors went on the outsides of the outside lugs or if a resistor went across the outside lugs, but the knob barely has much effect,  however I got it in the 'sweet spot' where i like it.
 I thought about a couple pairs of fixed resistors [each pair adding to 20k using say 12k+8k or 15k+4k each pair on one side of a switch ...eliminating the pot altogether...or just adding resistance to one side of the pair usin a simpler switch for tone control.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


great, i'll definitely try that.
but what for the exactly that potentiometer?
Where to buy that one??


The 20kG pot is usually replaced by a 25kA.  The "G" taper is geometric or some other obscure thing.  "A" or log taper works fine.

Also, B isn't going to cause a problem, either  :)   The tone change just happens a bit "fast then slow" - "10 o'clock" on a B pot is equal to about "1 o'clock" on an A pot, but "7 o'clock" and "5 o'clock" (min and max) are the same on both types.

Have fun!
Brett Robinson
Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend. (Mao Zedong)


Thanx, I tried linears there. the tone change ise very very abrupt.
I need to get the 20kG taper(thanx for letting me know, Brett).
I anyone knows, who might be selling these, please write here.

Thank you.