2 channel active mixer box - small as possible - need suitable schematic

Started by lebo, January 04, 2006, 06:47:21 PM

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I recently got a wh-1 and have really been enjoying it.  I would like to be able to use it like an octave pedal sometimes.  Specifically, I'd like to be able to blend the wet and dry signal.  Fortunately there are 2 outputs (one wet and one dry), so no modifications will need to be made to the pedal itself.  What I need is an active 2 channel mixer box so that I can mix the two signals down to one.  I need it to be as small as possible due to pedal board real estate.  Anyone know of one that exisits, or, can anyone direct me to a schematic that would be suitable? 

Ben N

Try this:

JD has it as is in a small stompbox enclosure, but if you adapt the layout for two inputs, you might be able to get it into something even smaller.



I made a GGG mini mixer (4 channel) and it fits in a 1590B with loadsa room to spare. 2 channel would fit in something halfish the size easily as its the pots and jacks that take up the room :)


While the "Whammy" effects on the right-hand side of the dial output the effected signal only, the "Harmony" effects on the left side of the dial keep the dry signal mixed in (through the "Wet Added" output). The top selection on that side mixes in an octave up when the pedal is in the toe down position and an octave down when the pedal is in the toe up position. It bends between these two extremes as you move the pedal up and down, but the dry signal remains in the mix throughout. If that's all you want to do, you may not need to build an external mixer box.

-- T. G. --
"A man works hard all week to keep his pants off all weekend." - Captain Eugene Harold "Armor Abs" Krabs


I had the idea to add a mixer onto Tim Escobedos Ugly Face. Here's a page of notes I made. Theres also a little 555 divider in the upper right. I thought this might also be an interesting addition.

The mixers here are pretty simple, made with 1 transistor and a couple of extra parts. Of the standard "I dopn't really know what I'm doing" clause applies.