3 knob tonebender-sola sound

Started by Luke, November 21, 2003, 10:18:18 AM

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does anyone know where on the net I can find this schematic? Its just that I have heard that some of the schematics around for this pedal are incorrect
Oh I found this on a site-

"The Prescription Electronics Yardbox is almost an outright copy of the Tonebender, except for three small changes:

1. The 10µF cap is replaced by a 4.7µF cap
2. The Fuzz pot is 250K, instead of 100K
3. The 220K resistor between the Tone and Volume controls is replaced by a 250K "Gain" pot. "

I thought this was funny- especially how the manufacuters make such a point on the circuts origionality  :lol:
Cant remeber who owned the site, sorry- its late and I am tired.
take care all!

brian wenz

Hello Hello--
 Go the the Fuzz Central site and look for the TB MK II or Marshall Supa Fuzz circuits.......both real good but the Supa is a little smoother sounding
[almost the same circuit with a few changes].
All the early Sola Sound or Colorsound stuff is good....don't bother with the Yardbox.


It's here, temporarily. Right now, I can't be bothered messing with a 33K dial up connection to refresh the old site...



The Prescription Yardbox has a few minor changes to the original ColorSound 3-Knob circuit, the most noticeable being that "Gain" control added in series between the "Tone" and "Volume" knobs, but it's actually pretty useless...  I'd go for either the standard ToneBender 3-Knob, or for a truckload of fuzz and saturation, a slightly modified version of the ToneBender MKII Professional, which I call the MindBender on my site.  I only made three changes to the MKII circuit.  First I converted the circuit to NPN (negative ground) using the 2N388A NPN Germanium transistor, which seems to be a lot more consistent than the earlier PNP Germs.  Second I replaced the 100K resistor on the collector of Q2 with a 47K (as in the Marshall Supa Fuzz) to tighten up the sound, and third I replaced the 0.01uF output capacitor with a 0.047uF to help pass through a little more bass and filter out some of those highs, but that change really depends on your guitar and amp combination.

I know how you feel about dialup Stuart.  I'm running Fuzz Central on a dialup connection, which is supposed to be a 56K, but the normal connection speed is about 33K on a good day...right now it's 24K, but it actually seems quite fast.  

Uploading large image files to the web server takes quite a while though...



Thanks for your answers... But I have one more question. Is there a mod that will clean up the fuzz by rolling back my guitar's volume? Or does pedal do that anyway (I have been listening to the 'BBC Sessions' of late- I love how the guitar cleans up when Page rolls off the guitar's [I assume its the guitar's] volume. So of my fuzzes dont 'clean up' to well this way, But I love the sound of fuzzes that do.
I hiope you can help!


Clean up remarkably well at the guitar vol.
 I think the FF does it 'better' or earlier though
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


oh so it DOES clean up by itself... Thanks!
I have orderd parts for this pedal from SD, and am looking forward to trying it out!