CoOp question relating to pay to see schematic sites.

Started by BillyJ, December 08, 2003, 05:51:36 PM

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What would the word be on buying schematics from these guys that have them for sale and redrwing and post or sharing on the sly?

Do these people pay the companies or what?
How is it they get to charge for these?
Is it is determined that if what they are doing isn't honorable would it be reasonable to do what I asked about?

I am just curious about it. I am not saying out of the gate it is a good maybe a terrible idea for all I know. This is why I ask.


I've always suspected that basically these pay-for-schematic sites are selling someone else's copyrighted work (the schematic).

If one were to buy one of their schematics, redraw it and then give it away, I don't think any laws or ethics would be violated.


Unless they drew it themselves, and you just scan and post it, it's just as ethical as drawing a schematic from the pedal itself.  Too bad redrawing is a pain.



Redrawing isn't that big a deal. Certainly easier than tracing from scratch.
Love to hear what the bigger kids in this game think....


hmm interesting.  i would have no quams with it.. unless they did draw it themselves. but i haven't seen too much for sale that i didn't already have or someone else foudn for free.


Hey Ansil, you got some conections or something? If so, can you get me a schem of the Vox "Brian May Special" 10 watt guitar amp. I would owe you one if you could.
 Thanks,  Jered



i saw a rough hand drawn scheme from a guy in a magazine that used to setup guitars rigs for thestars in a new way to give them new sounds..  

it was only a partial but if i can find my macintosh disks i can send it to ya


no i dont' have a lot of connections. but i have disected a few pedals over the years. and have photoed even more. both boutique and non boutique pedals alike. and whenever i need a scheme if i can't find it. chances are
RG mark hammer. GIles or Derek and a few others have it.

Giles has alot of the old popular electronics articles.

there isn't too much that derek dosen't have.

if you can find where rg hid it on his site.. he has tons of stuff.

and mark well what can i say about mark. i printed 98% of his site.

and everything i could find at geofex.  if it was only remotely interesting. i new it wasn't half way done.  so i have tons of paper schematics.

since i was working for an office company doing secrutity i got to play all night on the comptuers.


No I'm talking about the Vox ten watter that came out this year. I've got one but god only knows when I'll have time to try and reverse it.
 The "Deacy" amp you refered to would be as close as impossible as impossible gets to try and make an exact clone of, according to an article I have, some who have tried the past few years have found the parts are just not available. It was made out of junk parts Deacon had laying around but it got a sound BM liked.
