Uglyface + soundclips

Started by Hungeryhippie, December 09, 2003, 04:43:41 AM

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Last night i made the uglyface, and its an amazing pedal, i am very happy  :lol:

I havent had a chance to box it up or anything yet and i've only had about 20mins to play with it but i have recorded it. Just strat into uglyface into minidisc recorder. enjoy.

look here in the sound clips page.

thank you all


i have also got a clip for the green ringer on there now, if your interested.


Thanks for posting the clips.  I still haven't got round to building the uglyface yet.  Mostly I prefer to design my own stuff (not that I'm any sort of genius or anything - I just find it more fun), but this is definitely one I want to have a crack at.  A talented bloke is Tim!
"They always say there's nothing new under the sun.  I think that that's a big copout..."  Wayne Shorter


I agree, I rarely build other people's things, but this is VERY cool, sounds like it does everything just fine, I see no reason to try to make a different one :)
