Nurse Quacky perf layout input?

Started by RDV, December 18, 2003, 12:54:46 PM

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Where is it? I'm a bit confuzzzed. Paralleled with the sensitivity lug 3?




The input of NQ connects to:
 top of the 100k on the left of the schematic
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Quote from: petemooreThe input of NQ connects to:
 top of the 100k on the left of the schematic
Yes. But on the perf layout it is not labeled. Also, how well will she quack on the bass guitar?




Find the place on the perf where the 100k sens pot, 47k and a .01uf connect [right hand side of the schematic sensativity pots lug .. I forget which lug  [3]?]
 Sometimes studying the schematic and correllating it to the connections to the perf layout is necessary...In and Out marks would make it easier to find without the schematic...but it's all there...
Convention creates following, following creates convention.

B Tremblay

It's on there now.  Sorry about that.
B Tremblay


Quote from: B TremblayIt's on there now.  Sorry about that.




That was quick !!! Like Don't blink kwik...
 Thanks Tremblay!!
 Bass guitar into NQ...most likely will have a quite different amplitude sweep sequence after attack, as well as different frequency content which can be tuned with the input cap...don't do Bass efkts yet so I would be guessing...wel bigger incap lets more bass in, smaller incap reduces bass frequency from entering the ckt.
 At the very least re-adjustment of the sensativity knob for bass to guitar change...
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Quote from: petemooreThat was quick !!! Like Don't blink kwik...
 Thanks Tremblay!!
 Bass guitar into NQ...most likely will have a quite different amplitude sweep sequence after attack, as well as different frequency content which can be tuned with the input cap...don't do Bass efkts yet so I would be guessing...wel bigger incap lets more bass in, smaller incap reduces bass frequency from entering the ckt.
 At the very least re-adjustment of the sensativity knob for bass to guitar change...
Well, the Quacky is hard-wired to the 'Bass' setting of the Dr. Quack. I friend wants an envelope follower to use on bass, which is one reason for trying this.

Also, if you're still out there Brian, I cut and pasted the input buffer from the Dr. Quack onto a copy of your perf layout for the 'Nurse'. Yikes :shock: , NOT easy.



Mark Hammer

If your friend wants to use it for bass, probably a good idea to change the existing .005 (.0047, actually) filter capacitors for .01 or even .022 to keep some bottom in there.  

Nothing wrong with having a range-switch function in there, so that it can work for both guitar and bass.  To do that, try the following:

- where each .005 cap is supposed to go now, stick in a .018 and .01uf cap in series.  Now, wire up a DPDT 3-position centre-off toggle-switch so that the common of each set of contacts is tied to the junction of the .018 and .01 cap of each pair.  The outside lugs of the contacts are tied to the far end of the .018uf cap and the far end of the .01uf cap.  

When the switch is in the centre-off position, each series cap pair yields an effective capacitance of .0064uf, a little lower than the stock value but still well within guitar range and capable of accentuating highs as it sweeps.  When the switch is set to one side, it will shunt the .01 caps, making the effective capacitance equal to .018uf which will be about an octave and a half lower, and better suited to bass.  Flick the switch in the other direction so that it shunts the .018uf caps and the effective capacitance is now equal to .01uf, which will give a thinner bass sound or throatier guitar sound.

The nice thing about this arrangement is there is no switch popping and it uses fewer caps than parallel cap switching.


Thanks Mark, I'll try that.
