doubled walk through

Started by donald stringer, December 25, 2003, 09:53:15 AM

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donald stringer

O k diy ers lets pull mike back from the edge of diy insanity. Mike please put down that 2lb. hammer. A double d walk through: #1  runoffgroove has the correct wiring posted, the wire from the .o47 out put buffer feeds either jiggle or bounce channel inputs  this is the wire connected to the middle and left of the dpdt swtch. shown on the perf.#2 did you note that both gain pots[#1lugs are wired through 10k res. to ground.#3 ..the left topof switch feeds jiggle gain pot #3 lug..theleft bottom of switch feeds bounce gain pot lug #3.............lug #2 of each gain pot[the wiper feed the inputs of each channel].............On the output of each channel the jiggle side output wire from the board goes to out vol. pot lug #3......the wiper lug#2 goes to switch right side top... the output of bounce channel is identical, the wire from the output of bounce goes to out vol. lug 3 and the lug #2[ wiper goes to to switch right and bottom...... the middle of the switch goes to output buffer...If you have wired like this and it still doesnt work there is a problem that exists on one of your circuits. Just to make sure that were on the same page The pots are facing bottom up and lugs to the right #3[top, #2middleorwiper, #1 ground make sure everything is grounded correctly.......On the pots consider #3 an input and #2 output after you make sure all this is correct , get one circuit working at a time. You mentioned feedback, which isnt to peculiar out of the bounce channel as it has tons of gain and I have as of yet been able to max the pot out. Ther is a lot of vol. available but I found some of the best tones when the bounce out vol. is turned down somewhat and the gain is turned up sim. to an amp. I hope you get this working and if I can be of any assistance please e-mail me.Happy holidays

Mike Nichting

thank you very much Donald~!!
I have something messed up. I have to check my layout for the 50th time and make sure I have things right. <My problem is this: I have one channel pushing the other or one channel is not working. The channel that is working has both gain and volume pots coming through it. So I assume that I have something screwed up.

I will run over the circuit again and repost.

Thanks again Donald you have been very helpful and kind to do this for me~!!!!!!!!

Mike N.
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