OS sustain pot on fire!

Started by morthek, January 15, 2004, 06:00:13 PM

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i have finished building my Orabge squezer(tonepad) this afternoon, i started testing it and when i have switched sustain pot to the maximum a bit of smoke come out of it and a light came from the inside :shock: , i turned the put to a lower position and after a minute back to the maximum and no light or smoke out of it. But the Fx is not quite good  :roll: , there is some distortion on it and not much(almost zero) sustain. should i chane the pot for a new one? can i do something to get my sustain? thanks  :D


I'm by no means an expert or anything. BUT I think when the pot burst into flames it's probably time to replace it.  :mrgreen:


Nah really? :D Blue smoke out of pots, that's really cool :D
I don't like Holland. Nobody has the transistors I want.


Even I can answer that question. Pots work with smoke, and if it goes out it is kaputt, the end, finito, slut.

Just kidding. You propably have something wrong, some DC voltage across your pot. I have done it few times :wink:

Mark Hammer

Just out of curiosity, what were you powering it with?  If it was a battery, then I imagine the battery is not in such great shape either after that sort of current draw.

If you were powering it with a wall-wart, are you sure it was hooked up right and was the appropriate *DC* voltage?


Try checking Dmm on 'Beep' mode across the Power Supply connections to the ckt. if it beeps from pos to ground you'll have to look for a short
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


i use a 9v battery. the battery is ok, i use it in another fx( MXR dist+). now i´ve substituted the pot and also the transistors, but i am not sactisfied. there is no sustain, and there is a lot of noise. i have very large gain and a little distortion, but no sustain. and the sustain put doesn´t seem to change anything :cry: .... any clue?


Did it sustain nicely before the pot burned?
I don't like Holland. Nobody has the transistors I want.

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

I just looked at the Squeezer ckt, and the only way I can see to get smoke from the pot, is to put the fet in wrong. Unless there is an accidental short, that is most likely the problem.


I put my FETs in wrong at first when I built mine... good thing I didn't nuke the pot!

About the only thing that smells worse than a burned pot is when you pop an LED. Ugggh, the stench...
